Friday, April 20, 2007

known as a child

so i decided to blog. a friend showed me the ropes so i thought, "what better way to talk to the world than through a blog". so let's go on a journey. a journey to places of significance, identity, worship, and last but not least, randomness.

we all have the need to teach and to learn. right now, i am a somewhat like a sponge. i want to learn or 'soak up' as much as possible. however, i do not want to keep it all in and become stagnant. so, let's teach and learn together.

the first question that we must ask ourselves and each other is 'who are we and why are we here?'

go ahead...feel free to answer.

current listening...Hillsong United...all of it is good.


erica said...

i am the apple of His eye.

i exist to love meet them where they are and tell them about an amazing God who redeemed my life from the pit.

i exist to walk a walk w/ people... to be so grounded in God's word, that at precise God given moments i can speak God's truth into their lives.

i am not but i know I AM

Vanessa said...

Who am I?
I am a daughter of Eve...
child of the one and only true and living God.
I am unworthy of His grace
I am filled with His spirit
I am fragile and imperfect
He has made me whole and sees me through the redeeming blood of His Son... my Savior.
Why do I exist?
I exist to receive His forgiveness
I exist to glorify my God
I exist to tell the world
that if my Jesus saved me... He can save anyone.
I am and I exist because HE IS and HE EXISTS!

Jeremy said...

Wow bro that is deep! Lets learn who I am!

I am a man who seeks to be in God's will for my life. I also am somwewhat of a "Ghetto Superstar".

Ya Heard

Dave said...

Who am I? Your friend.

Why am I here? B/c you sent me this link.

Unless I'm missing something, these aren't hard questions. Hit me w/ something deeper.

Currently listening to Daughtry's debut album...most of it's good.



Mark B said...

I'm here today because you also sent me the link. Not listening to anything new right now, but I did eat a really, really good hamburger today at Cheeseburger in Paradise.

You can read all about it at

Steven Anderson said...

Mark -- That was shameless promoting your own blog on gerald's ... That would be like me saying.. Go check out my blog at and I just think it is despicable.