Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Here we go again...

How exciting it is to join God in the work he is doing!! It's always neat to see what God is up to in my area, but also cool to know that He is changing lives all over the world. We are getting ready to go back to Guatemala City, Guatemala on Thursday. We have several different areas of ministry that we will be conducting while down there. We have clowns, (which is always a hit), puppets, dramas, construction, man all kinds of things.
Here's how you can pray for us:
-Safety when traveling
-Servant's hearts
-Power of the Holy Spirit to guide us
-Unity in our college and career group
-God's hand to move in the hearts of Guatemalans
-Endurance and continued faithfulness for Kenneth and Diana-our contacts there...view their blog...
-Language barriers will not hold back the word of God.

More updates to come later.

Current Listenings...Chris Tomlin


Mark B said...

Hey - if you could get one of those new "wireless satellite routers" you could keep blogging in Guatemala.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you're back. Now hurry up and write something thought provoking... I have missed reading your blog :)