Thursday, May 10, 2007

Oh so refreshing!!

What a glorious day!! The new Starbucks has opened on the corner of Colonial and Fowler. Now I can choose which one I will go to so I can keep up the habit. Speaking of habit, what is it that they put in the delectable Iced White Chocolate Mocha that is so consuming? I think of nothing else when I am downing this cup of addiction. Oh well. Please feel free to stop in and get a Malloy special at any Starbucks. Get one for me when you is always welcomed and appreciated!

Current listenings...
Ben Lee
Steve Fee

Current readings...
Notes from Thirsty Conference
Velvet Elvis-Rob Bell


Joe Moore said...

Dude stick to leading worship!! jk jm

Mark B said...

Best post yet! My beverage of choice right now is a Grande Vanilla Latte, extra hot. I think I need one right now. My motto: Life's too short to drink bad coffee.

Vanessa said...

HALLELUJAH! I didn't realize it was open already... y'all (yes I'm southern right now) don't know what's up though! You need a Tall Caramel Frap- and when I'm being good a tall caramel frap light! Ahhh the wonders of this monster they call Starbucks... what does Starbucks mean anyway? Star-money? Celestial-Male-Deer? Large-self-luminous-heavenly-body-of-oxford-shoes? Discuss amongst yourselves...