Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Thirsty 07

well here I sit in the hotel room with my mind running like crazy. i just spent a half day listening to a couple of great teachers of the word of God. Louie and Francis are wonderful at taking scripture and allowing it to breathe. of course it is God's word and it breathes because of Him, but to have new light shed on an old story is great. God allowed us to hear from Him today. what an unbelievable experience! I would love to tell you more but translation is hard for me. I hear God's word being taught and I process. I tend to process for days until finally I get it. Not really "i get it" but God saying , "here it is".Translation, translation, translation!

Charlie Hall led worship earlier today. God allows him to be a leader of worshippers. God takes us on a journey of thought and pondering through Charlie. He does not sing the churchy anthems but instead he takes me to a place where it is me and God and no one else so that God can speak to my heart. I was there. He spoke to me. not out loud but very quietly and intentionally. this is very refreshing. i see why it is called Thirsty.

Much appreciation is due to the ones who God has called, but all glory goes to HIM.. He is the one I have come to see. He is the one that sets me free.

I know this is scattered at best but remember.....i'm still processing!


erica said...

wow. how cool to hear your heart and see excitement in your eyes. God is so great. i love how He reminds us of how big He is and yet so specific to meet us where we are. can't wait to hear more about it. wish i was there.

ps-you are also a leader of worshippers.

Patrick John said...

I hear you bro... I hope you guys can bring some of those messages home!

So.. Would it be a sin to cut the hair from Charlies Chinny Chin Chin?